CSS (cascading style sheet) An Introduction


CSS or cascading style sheet is a style sheet language used to desribe the look and formatting of a document written in HTML and XML
CSS describe how element should describe on website

Basic syntax of CSS

selector like we have to apply CSS on paragraph than
p {font-size: 20px;}

There are three types of CSS

  1. Inline CSS

  2. Internal CSS

  3. External CSS

Inline CSS :-

Inline CSS practice of including css directly within the html document rather than a seprate sheet this is archieved by using style attribute within html tag like syntax "

p style = "color:red; background color:red;

Internal CSS :-

internal CSS refers to the practice of including CSS directly within a HTML document rather than a separate file its placed inside the style element syntax like:-
< style >
color: red;
< /style >

External CSS :-

external CSS refer that are stored in separate files and linked to HTML document CSS is a
stylesheet language to describe there presentation of a document written in HTML or XML
its making code more modular and easier to maintain

Here are the some basic step to use external CSS

  1. Create a CSS file

  2. Write CSS rules

  3. Link CSS to HTML

Selector in CSS:

  1. Universal Selector

  2. Element selector

  3. ID & Class selector

  4. Group selector

  5. Descendant selector

  1. Universal selector

    universal selector is denoted by an asterisk(*). it is a special selector that matches any element when used in a CSS file when used in CSS rule,
    the universal selector applies style to every element on a webpage

     structure like
  2. Element selector

    target html element based on their tag name .it is one of the most straight forward and commonly used selectors in CSS.
    to apply style to a HTML element use element selector followed by element's tag name

             style must be there;
  3. ID selector

    way to select and style a specific HTML element based on its unique identifier .the id selector is denoted by the hash (#) followed by id value

     structure like
  4. Class selector

    class selector used to select elements based on their class attributes . their classs attributes allow you to apply styles to multipe html element using a single class name.
    period(.) followed by class name itself

     syntax is like
  5. Group selector

    not a standard term or selector refer to combination of selectors to target specific groups of elements in your HTML document

     structure like
                     color: blue;
                     background-color: red;